Dr. Seuss Opening
Ao5 Gallery to hosted the GREEN EGGS AND HAM 60TH ANNIVERSARY Party on February 28. During the event, Jeff Schuffman introduced the newest release for this momentous occasion to celebrate the beloved book by Dr. Seuss. In Dr. Seuss’s tale, Sam never gives up on his quest to get his friend to try something new. In fact, he asks 16 times before he finally succeeds. It is this same opportunistic determination that Dr. Seuss himself harnessed early in his career when trying to secure a publisher for his first children’s book. He shopped his first manuscript, And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, to 27 different publishers, with each one of them turning him down. It wasn’t until his 28th attempt that he succeeded. His determination paid off and the rest is history.
Adapted posthumously from the illustration on the last page of the 1960 book, Green Eggs and Ham, this iconic 60th Anniversary image seems to mark the culmination of Dr. Seuss’s determination, open-mindedness, and willingness to meet challenges head-on.